Slide OUR

Slide We aspire to help improve the tissue paper industry.

We truly understand that must meet our customer expectations while taking care of the planet.

We are totally convinced of this.

And since things are demonstrated with facts, not merely with words, we have created the most environmentally-friendly range of paper products for the home that can be found in the market: my tissue ecologic +. It seems a very bold statement to make, but it is the truth. All the elements that go into this product are environmental friendly.

The paper is 100% recycled. White, soft, resistant and with 100% compostable, transparent, and plastic free packaging.

And since we are fully committed, the cardboard cylinder inside is also made from recycled materials.

The packaging is also environmentally friendly. It looks like plastic, but it isn’t. It is a compostable material made from cellulose. Its destination is the organic refuse container.

Even the ink with which the logo and information on the packaging is printed is environmentally friendly.

You cannot imagine how proud we are to have achieved this. Because we believe in what we do. We have an ideal that is shared by all the people who participate in the production of my tissue ecologic +.

By setting an example, we aspire to help improve the industry. And contribute a little to caring for the planet.